Archive for December, 2011

First Casualty

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Hey All,

I wanted to share you with my first failed pitch. Ironically, I considered this to be my strongest one to date, but alas it has failed to find a home. I figure at this point, I’d much more enjoy sharing these pages with you then to let them collect digital dust on a hard drive.

Even though I’m still waiting to hear back from two publishers, I think it’s safe to assume this one won’t make it. As attached as I’ve become to all of my projects, there comes a point during the production that you have to distance yourself from it. I could dwell on the fact that the cover is absolutely print worthy as anything Riley Rossmo creates is comic book gold, or the fact that the colors are professional grade thanks to Alex Sollazzo, or even point out the polished skills of letterer extraordinaire Ed Brisson and book designer Matt Battaglia, that truly tie Alex Diotto’s art together into a complete package. But I won’t because I just didn’t have that ounce of luck. This luck that I’m referring to is pitch perfect timing with an editor who happens to be looking for exactly what you happen to present him/her.

True Story: I was fortunate to get to hang out with Joshua Williamson during one of his signings at the Image booth during NYCC. Josh is not only a talented and successful writer but is one hell of a nice guy too. He had a lot of great advice and solid critiques about the pitch which I’ve since been mindful of with my current projects. He was kind enough to let me sit with him behind his signing table which was rad! I had copies of this pitch printed in comic book format out on the table next to copies of his book XENOHOLICS, and two people came up and asked if they could read mine. Upon doing so, they asked when Image would be printing it because they absolutely wanted to read more. It’s kinda funny to me how this has no bearing on whether an editor might green light a project. But this is nor here nor there.

Instead, I have to focus on presenting my next project that I’ll have strengthened in areas that I believe could have been better. It’s all about progressing. It’s the demonstration of progress that all editors notice as it shows drive, the ability to incorporate constructive criticism, and a great attitude towards the work. The comic book industry is a small one and everyone would MUCH rather work with people they enjoy being around more than anything else. Plus, the more work you show, the easier it is for editors to remember your name.

I do want to thank my support group of fellow creators/friends that enjoyed reading this and saw the potential, even if the people that needed to be impressed by it weren’t.

This is but another learning experience; another notch in my belt or battle wound that not only reminds me of how far I’ve come, but more importantly how close I am to my goal.

Enjoy the pages, everyone.



Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Hey All,

Sorry for being M.I.A. from the site for far too long. For the first time in five years since embarking on this crazy comic book dream, my life has gotten in the way. I won’t bore you with the dramatic details, I do want to let you all know that I’m back!

I am currently working on four new projects with exceptional artists attached. The furthest one along is PRIMORDIAL  – a 1940’s NYC story exploring the world of the city’s first ever criminal profiler. We plan to have the pitch ready for Emerald City Comic Con at the end of March.

I’ve been so fortunate to have linked up with EXTREMELY gifted NYC-based artist, Isaac Goodhart. It’s been a real treat to be able to meet every few weeks to discuss the story and review art pages. This is my strongest work to date and Isaac is making it look stellar.

Enjoy the teaser image!